Tuesday, May 29, 2007

CSUN STUDENT gets 2nd screen credit

CSUN STUDENT gets 2nd screen credits on Simpson's TV 400th Episode Tonight!

This past Sunday, May 20th at 8:00 pm (7pm central time), The Simpsons HOUR-LONG 18th Season Finale aired on FOX!!! Two all new episodes were shown back-to-back. This finale also marks the 20-Year Anniversary of The Simpsons as an intellectual property (since the very first Simpsons short aired on the Tracey Ullman show in 1987!)

The second show, happens to be The Simpsons' 400th episode, AND CSUN Grad, Chance Raspberry's second show to receive a screen-credit as a character layout artist.

So proud of Chance Raspberry, who graduated from CSUN last Spring 06 with a BA Art, Animation Concentration.

Prof. Trujillo


Anonymous said...
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- Thomas